fotos en Barcelona

Updated Jun 21 2023

Barcelona is an incredible destination for people interested in photography, as it offers a huge amount of variety, depending on the area of the city in which we take our photos.

Places in which to take photos in Barcelona

Whether it’s while you’re walking along the beaches or going up to Montjuïc or Tibidabo, or even walking round the city’s old town, you’ll come away with some beautiful photos of Barcelona.

Depending on the time of the day, you might find that you’ll get a very different perspective of the same place, as the light at dawn, sunset and night-time can often really accentuate the beauty of each of the city’s views.

Recommended places for getting the best photos of Barcelona

Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to getting the best photos, so we have given you a list of the places in which you should be able to obtain some of the most beautiful shots of Barcelona.

There are countless places in which to take good photos in Barcelona, and thanks to the city’s beauty and charm, you’ll sometimes get some excellent shots from places that you might not expect. This is therefore just a small selection of places in which you’ll be able to really capture Barcelona’s beauty, and have a memory of it when you’re showing everyone your photos.

More photos of Barcelona

In this section it’s impossible to show you all the photos of Barcelona that we’d like to show, as we’ve taken so many over the years, so you can see more photos of the city through our various social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest).

Photo gallery of Barcelona

In this photo gallery of Barcelona we have shown you some of the photos of the city that we are taking. Keep checking our website, because we keep updating them on a regular basis, almost daily.

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